5 factors that affect employee productivity

5 Factors That Affect Employee Productivity

In a recent report published by Dell, the tech giant has revealed the top gripes of over 1,000 UK workers and which have the biggest impact on productivity levels.

Whilst the regulars of temperature, noise levels and unnecessary meetings account for the top three complaints in the survey, factors relating to poor workplace design and technology aren’t far behind.

Old equipment

It can’t be much of a surprise to see this hit the list; out of date technology that is slow and unreliable can be a huge frustration for workers.

If you’re looking to give your employees some additional motivation, why not try looking at implementing some new equipment? Not only will it make your working environment look and function a lot better, but 41% of survey respondents believe that high performance desktop workstations have the power to improve their own effectiveness.

Quiet working areas

Despite aiming to increase collaboration and interaction, the rise of the open plan office has, in fact, achieved the complete opposite. With 34% of employees struggling to cope with overhearing their colleagues’ conversations from all angles, it’s clear to see that the need for balance has been lost somewhere along the way.

If you think this could be a problem in your workplace, try to incorporate quiet zones or rooms where people can go to escape the hustle and bustle of the main office. You’ll find that it can make a huge difference to concentration and productivity levels.

Messy desks

Less mess equals less stress! From the constant distractions to how unhealthy it is, 24% of workers felt that a cluttered desk has an impact on their productivity.

Simple storage and organisational solutions like shelving or drawer units can transform a once chaotic workspace. Take a look at some of our products available over at our sister company, OFAI.

Poor lighting

It may not be your first thought when considering productivity levels, but bad lighting is commonly associated with both physical and mental ill-health, including eye strain, fatigue and anxiety.

You can combine both natural and artificial lighting to create a healthy working environment for your employees. From planning desk space closer to windows to replacing old fluorescent bulbs with LEDs, there are several ways to create a productive space.    


The ergonomics of your workplace will be one of the top deciding factors in how much your employees miss work, given that back pain and musculoskeletal disorders are some of the most common reasons for people to call in sick.

Each of your employees will have individual preferences and there may not necessarily be a ‘one size fits all’ approach, but you can take steps to create a comfortable environment by investing in quality equipment. Desks, seating and telephones are just some of the things you should consider.

If you’re looking to improve the productivity levels in your office, get in touch with us on sales@4sws.co.uk or 0800 6347 415. We’d love to hear from you!