6 reasons why your office could be due a refurb

6 Reasons Why Your Office Could Be Due A Refurb

For many, the time, cost and disruption typically associated with an office refurbishment is enough to turn heads in the opposite direction. However, what you may not realise is that you could be missing out on a whole host of benefits.

Whether it’s updating décor to improve your company image or replacing tired furniture and equipment to boost employee morale, a simple workspace refurb can be the perfect opportunity to give your business a new lease of life. Here’s why...

1. First impressions count

Traditionally, branding has been more focused towards logos, websites and other marketing materials to help businesses stand out in a crowd of competitors. Why can’t the office do the same? Your physical workspace environment is central to conveying a particular message or identity and it is one of the first things visiting clients will use to form an opinion about you. A bright, clean, structured and uncluttered office will set you on the first steps to making a positive impact.

2. Exchanging ideas

When Steve Jobs famously obsessed over the structuring of Pixar’s atrium during the refurbishment of their office headquarters, the need for serendipitous personal encounters was at the forefront of his mind. The layout of your workspace is crucial to organisational performance and has a major impact on the way employees interact and stimulate creativity.

3. Reduce your carbon footprint

Offices are one of the largest consumers of energy and can make a significant impact on the environment. During a refurbishment, simply switching to digital processes, introducing energy-efficient lightbulbs or improving your heating/cooling systems can make a big difference to the greenhouse gas emissions and waste your workplace produces.

4. Happy and productive employees

It’s no secret that the working environment has an effect on employee morale. It’s also no secret that morale is directly linked to productivity. 50% of UK workers say their workplace slows them down, so giving your office an update seems like a no-brainer, right? Studies have found that colour schemes can have an effect on our moods, while productivity can improve by as much as 23% when bad office furniture is replaced. 

5. Optimum use of space

As your company grows, it can be difficult to create free areas of space out of thin air when corners are piled up high and your filing cabinets are filled to the brim. An office refurb will give you the chance to make the most out of your existing workspace without the need for an expensive move to bigger premises.

6. Safety first

Regardless of the size of your business, you are under a legal obligation to look out for the welfare of your employees and the general public. Ripped carpets, hazardous equipment and broken furniture could just be the first step in a long and expensive process if someone were to get injured. Giving your office a revamp not only makes it a safer environment, but also a more enjoyable one too.

If you’re considering giving your office a refresh, talk to the experts at Foursquare Workspace to see how we can help get the best out of your project. We can have as little or as much input as you like, taking care of everything from electricals, flooring and even furniture. To find out more about our refurbishment service, click here.